How do PR and Social Media Work Together?

How do PR and Social Media Work Together?

Back in the day, public relations professionals were in charge of building relations between customers and companies. This was the tactic that helped build brands and corporate businesses. Before the internet, (wait people survived without internet?) newspapers, large publications and media such as television and radio, were the tools that public relations professionals used. (So yes, people survived without internet.) 

In 1990, the internet was born. Can we get an Amen? AMEN. With the birth of the internet, the newspapers and huge publications started to shrink drastically. *Insert sad face emoji* Advertising online is a different ball game. The media expanded to massive levels. Advertising online with thousands of stations to choose from became pricey and risky. But then magic happened, Social Media was created. HOLLA. 

Social Media became the one stop shop for companies and customers to interact with one another. The customer can research a company, look at what they offer, buy and leave a review all in the comfort of their own bed. Now that’s the life. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest are just a few of the platforms that help companies market their target audience. Hello 21st century. But with this, is PR still needed? 

YES, 100% yes! Public relations and social media, when done correctly, are the building blocks in creating a strong business. It is important that you start with direction and have objectives. Now you should ask yourself these three questions:

  • What are your goals?
  • Do you have a PR strategy?
  • Who is your target audience?

Setting goals, figuring out your PR strategy and who your target audience is will point you in the right direction and now you can start building a great marketing empire. What are you waiting for? Let’s get your empire going.

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