If You Don’t Follow These Accounts on Twitter, You Should.
Twitter is a social platform with over 300 million users. Say what? Yes, over 300 million users. Luckily for you, you don’t need to follow everyone but if you do have a twitter, these are the 10 accounts that you NEED to follow.
- Boring Tweeter (@b0ringtweets) - Let’s be honest, most people tweets are boring and you don’t have to follow them but following @b0ringtweets is a MUST. These tweets are so boring that they make your day one hundred times better.
- Beautiful Pictures (@BEAUTIFULPICS) - Get your daily dose of everything beautiful by following this account. From Maui to New York to forests to beaches, this account posts the best of the best. But fair warning, this account will make you want to travel.
- Bill Gates (@billgates) - Not only is he one of the nation’s biggest geeks, he’s also the richest geek. Why not follow him?
- Modern Seinfeld (@SeinfieldToday) - Because who isn’t a Seinfeld fan? Even though the show has been off air for years, the classic tv hit is still a fan favorite. Follow this account for everything Seinfeld and for good laugh.
- Ellen Degeneres (@TheEllenShow) - Well, because everybody loves Ellen. From clips from her daytime tv show to viral videos of puppies and babies, Ellen has everything to offer. Be kind to one another and follow Ellen.
- Mental Floss (@mental_floss) - You know how your dentist always reminds you to floss? Well this twitter will always remind you to floss your brain. Giving you random facts and information that you probably weren’t aware of until you started following.
- Health Tap (@HealthTap) - We recommend not looking up your symptoms online because a simple headache can mean you have worms eating your brain according to Wikipedia. But if you do want to stay healthy, follow this account for advice and tips from real life doctors.
- History Pics (@History_Pics) - Who doesn’t appreciate a good throwback? But for real this account is pretty awesome because it features pictures from different times and events in history.
- Funny Vines (@FunnyVines) - Scrolling down your twitter feed and you see one of these videos, you are bound to laugh and everyone needs a good laugh no matter the time of day!
- Random Facts (@factsandtrivia) - Do you love reading the random facts on the bottom of a Snapple cap? Well what if we told you that now you read random facts with a simple scroll on your smartphone? Now you can if you follow this account!