It’s Okay To Present The Same Content, Just Differently, On Each Platform.
In our last post we discussed why you need to utilize each platform – and how even your target demographic might be following you on each platform but it’s unlikely that they’re looking at each platform equally. So now we want to discuss how to market a single campaign across the multiple networks. Even those with a basic understanding of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram know that the three platforms have different “sweet spots”. On Facebook links get less attention than pictures and pictures less attention than videos. On Twitter text is key, hashtag use is vital. On Instagram artistic photos are what get the engagement. How can you successfully launch a campaign using the same content, just differently, on each network?
Let’s say you want to launch a seasonal campaign for fall – your marketing team has sat down and mapped out a campaign that includes school, football, fall leaves, pumpkins, and even a teasing of a Thanksgiving feast. They’ve considered video, photos, an email campaign, discount codes, and what pop culture references they are going to hit on. In the back of your mind you start to feel like each platform should have its own campaign. After all – different networks different audience, right? Not exactly, this is when hiring an expert makes the difference. An expert will know that each day’s piece of content can be perfectly altered and repackaged for each platform. They’ll know how to edit text and photos to be optimized on each network. They’ll know which hashtags to change from Instagram to Twitter and they’ll be focused on optimizing each piece of your campaign so that you get the most bang for your buck.
Let’s go back to this fall campaign; you’ve approved a budget for photography and video. A rock star marketing team will know how to package a photo for Instagram that simply stays an eye-catching picture that your follower wants to double tap, repackage that photo with an overlay and quote for sharing on Facebook, and use that photo with the perfect hashtag on twitter to grab the attention of someone wanting what you have to offer. One photo – presented three different ways – all to the benefit of your campaign. Similarly, that perfectly written blog post your team has worked up for you can be packaged for Facebook in a way that can be boosted to reach your followers just when they’re likely to be online and then promoted numerous peak times on twitter. You should feel confident that your team can create a campaign you love – and present it online in a way that optimizes its effectiveness.