5 Highly Effective Online Marketing Tips for Your Nonprofit 

5 Highly Effective Online Marketing Tips for Your Nonprofit 

Quite like 21st century business, a not-for-profit organization needs an effective online marketing strategy. Only through a comprehensive, dynamic online marketing strategy can a nonprofit enjoy success in fundraising and in other matters associated with its mission. There are five highly effective online marketing tips your nonprofit organization needs to consider implementing: 

  • coordinated social media

  • search engine optimization

  • blogging

  • brand development

  • content marketing

Each of these elements are analyzed in turn. With that noted, these tactics are designed to work in a coordinated manner with one another to ensure the most effective overall online marketing campaign for your organization. 

Coordinated Social Media 

Social media is front and center when it comes to effective, dynamic online marketing efforts for not-for-profit organizations. The importance of social media is not likely to diminish anytime soon. The primary social media platforms that a nonprofit needs to consider incorporating into its marketing efforts typically are: 

  • Facebook

  • Instagram

  • Pinterest

  • Twitter

There are two fundamental considerations when it comes to social media and online marketing for a nonprofit. First, you need to make a decision as to which social media platforms make the most sense for your nonprofit. Second, you need to coordinate your marketing efforts across the social media platforms that you believe are most suitable to the mission, needs, goals, and objectives of your organization. 

Search Engine Optimization 

Another important tip to bear in mind when it comes to online marketing for your nonprofit is making the most of search engine optimization. In this regard, a not-for-profit organization needs to take the lead from businesses. In other words, a nonprofit needs to rank high on search engine results. 

There are situations in which a person will be interested in connecting with a nonprofit that provides the types of services undertaken by your organization. For example, a person may want to make a donation to a nonprofit that does the type of work associated with your organization. Thus, you will want to make sure that your organization ranks at the top of search engine results. 


Blogging is also an effective component of a comprehensive online marketing strategy for a nonprofit. Blogging provides a variety of benefits to a nonprofit. 

A regular blog associated with your organization is useful in attracting new volunteers and financial supporters to your nonprofit. In addition, blogging is a highly effective way of keeping volunteers and donors connected with your nonprofit into the future. 

Blogging from your organization's website can also be a tool through which you can advance your search engine optimization efforts. You can utilize SEO content in your blog in addition to providing useful and interesting material within a post. 

Brand Development 

The success of a business depends on its brand development. The same holds true for a not-for-profit entity. In the final analysis, a nonprofit has to develop its own identifiable brand in order to enjoy consistent success, particularly when it comes to volunteers and donors. 

Examples of nonprofits that have enjoyed tremendous branding success include the Red Cross, the United Way, the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts, and other organizations. While your organization likely doesn't need to fret about developing a brand that is recognized nationally, you likely should be concerned about brand development in your community or the area in which your entity provides services. 

Content Marketing 

Finally, in regard to creating and implementing a dynamic and successful online marketing effort you will want to take a close look at what can be accomplished via content marketing. At this juncture in time, longer form content is proving to be helpful in enhancing the online presence of businesses, professionals, and nonprofits. 

This can include longer-form content at your nonprofits website. It can also include longer-form content that is featured at other websites. Content developed by your organization to be placed at other sites can contain links back to your nonprofit's website. 

In order to make the most out of the online marketing efforts for your nonprofit you may want to give serious consideration to retaining professional assistance with different aspects of a campaign as outlined here. Not only do professionals have specific skillsets that members of your nonprofit's team may not have, outsiders can recognized and conceive of ideas that you and those around you may not envision. In other words, a fresh set of eyes on your nonprofit's online marketing efforts can prove to be truly invaluable.


Jessica Kane is a writer for Every USB, where you can create your very own custom usb drive for your brand or company.

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